Friday, August 24, 2007

Tim's latest

hey folks....

we are coming in the home stretch here. temperatures are still startlingly high, and the humidity drips off you. i will never think badly of a sweaty smelly street person again. we all smell like goats here. huge kiln failure here we were all a little depressed.

but the imam's call to prayers still haunts me in the most beautiful way. you should really experience it. i will put it into a video reliquary when i get back..

one of our students took pity on mike and i tonight and brought us 4 domino pizzas. i was so happy i almost buried my head in her giant breasts and blew razzberry sounds. tonight is the big dance. can't wait to get back and shower in my room.

i keep petting all the stray dogs and i'm covered in fleas. i can't help it.....they just need some lovin so badly.

i made a piece today i actually liked. i gave it to a student....but had to hide it as the school nazi eva braun says all pieces made here belong to the school. fat chance...

the two armenian students left today. they started was very sweet


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