Saturday, October 07, 2006

whew! I was glad to crawl under the quilt last night and go to sleep. Yesterday before 8am I was standing outside the USBG in the pouring rain banging on the door so one of the gardeners would let me in to design the Corcoran show. Ray had done the measurements so it was pretty quick work to see what needed to be double hung and lay out the show. Then I headed to Paula's office for the SAH board meeting. Great good work done. At 6 I guilted Paula into going to the USBG opening with me, which was lovely, and the show looked beautiful. Then to Georgetown to a charming dinner hosted by Judy. As always PC made me laugh so hard on the way back to the car I was surprised we didn't get yelled at by the neighbors. Today off again for more board work then I'm taking Sandra to the airport.


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