Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Horrific day of travel. Flight delayed again until 12:45 then again until 3. They finally put is in a cab where we drove 85 miles to Augusta Maine. (thankfully, I was afraid the guy at the desk was suggesting I fly to Augusta GA then on to Boston and home to DC!). We learned from the cab driver that 1. This happens all the time 2. We could have asked to be driven to Boston 3. Maine State troopers drive unmarked pickup trucks. We got to the airport - met up with some other fellow travelers who were on the 7:44 flight. I guess because it was a tiny plane with an open cockpit and their security equipment was not all that sophisticated they had to open every suitcase, cosmtetic bag, camera bag, purse, backpack and take every single item out and examine. Then we suffered through being personally searched. Finally we get on this tiny rickey old 2-seats-across plane and I'm literally in fear of my life. One propeller is moving for like 5 minutes before the other one starts and I can see out the window how much the engine is shaking up and down. We are flying through clouds so its a bumpy ride, really Pretty scary - we arrive in Boston only to miss my connecting flight by about 10 minutes. So I wait an hour and get home around 6pm. I'm waiting for Ray to pick me up when a man in a wheel chair asks to borrow my cell. His is out of batteries and he needs to call his ride. Ray arrives we load my things in the car and the man in the wheel chair won't give me back my phone. I actually have to go up to a police man and ask him to help. He has to stand over the man and ask 4 or 5 times before he finally returns it to me. So I get home and its as if I never left, (except the back of the house is nicely painted) Gabe and I go to the grocery and make dinner. I've lots of pictures but on top of everything else I've messed up the settings on my internet connection.


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