Monday, July 03, 2006

Today's Metro section of the Washington Post

Authority's Overnight Flight
When Ray Fitzgerald drags himself out of bed the morning after graduation, all he has to do is pack for Beach Week. And find his car.
"I believe it's at my friend Steven's house," he says, casting a vague glance out the window to make sure it hasn't magically made its way home from the party.
"It felt weird yesterday, graduating," he says. "I remember my sister's graduation two years ago, sitting there and being like, 'Oh, I've got forever.' And then in the blink of an eye -- it's crazy."
He wakes Steven Buckler with a phone call. Ray's car, an '82 Toyota Tercel, is indeed there, with one tire mysteriously slashed. "I rolled up the window for you to keep the rain out," says a bleary-eyed Steven when Ray arrives.
In a couple of months, college will bring a liberation from the rules that govern T.C. Williams High School, but already Ray knows he'll miss the place because "everything is planned out for you and you don't have to make your own decisions."
-- Tara Bahrampour


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